Realized training for elementary school students from Tuzi on the topic of prevention and fight against violence.
The training "The role of students in the prevention and fight against violence and hate speech on the Internet" was attended by students of the VIII and IX grades of Elementary School "Mehmet Lekić" from Tuza. The seminar was held on February 25-26, 2022, in the premises of this elementary school.
The general goal of the training program for students: Raise the level of awareness, improve knowledge and skills and motivate students to:
recognize and confront online violence and hate speech in the virtual and real world using existing mechanisms in the school and local community
act as peer educators in cases of abuse of children and young people via the Internet and hate speech and provide information to peers about the possibilities of how to protect themselves
cooperate with teachers in order to take preventive action in their school communities.
The training was attended by 20 students of the third cycle of elementary school (VIII and IX grades), representatives of different departments. As representatives of different departments in the School, students have the task of implementing preventive activities in their departments, relying on the activities implemented in the training.
The activity was implemented by the NGO "Children of Montenegro" with the financial support of Arigatou International.